Sierra Vista Scouting offers a comprehensive program each Wednesday for boys and girls of all ages from Kindergarten to High School.
Youth go to their respective age appropriate Boy and Girl Scout meetings. The ages and groups are listed below:
With this program, we offer a one-night and one-stop opportunity for the entire family. While the youth are attending scouting activities, there will be opportunities for the adults. We offer Bible studies for the adults or they can spend the time assisting with the scouting activities, visiting with other adults, or just hanging out. Full family participation is encouraged.
We hope to see you on a Wednesday evening to check us out.
Location: Sierra Vista Presbyterian Church 150 West 28th Street, Yuma AZ 85364
For more information:
On Sierra Vista Scouting program contact Glen Moss at 928-580-7005 or Harold Maxwell at 928-726-8759.
Boy Scouts of America -
Girl Scouts of America -